North Cyprus Directories

Friday, 15 December 2006

Join Our Group and Learn Turkish Online with

Welcome to our group forum page, there are no teachers here, but we have some very easy lessons and loads of help to guide us through. So why not join us and learn with us. This will not be like attending an evening class, study when it's best for you, if you miss a day or even 10, unlike a class, you wont have been left behind. The group will still be here ready for you to pick up where you left off.

Unlike many Turkish lessons where you spend time with difficult grammer lessons, we will attempt make learning a little more fun. You will not be seeing long lists of words to remember or subjected to intense grammer lessons. You will be taught by converstion and group discussion. You will be given a full conversation that is easily indentified with (in Turkish) also enough words and clues to allow you to easily translate back in to English and by the time you have completed the translation without even trying you will find a lot has sunk in. Go through the conversation as many times as you need and hey presto its time to go out and practise what you've learnt.

1 comment:

fezzer said...

I have just joined your group and will look forward to learning Turkish with you