North Cyprus Directories

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Message to any New Visitros who may wonder just whats going on here

For anyone New looking in, this is a blog where we post the excersises of our lessons. Im sure you have already guessed the lessons are to learn the Turkish Language.

If you would like to join in please feel FREE. You will find the lessons taking place at So look in on us and join in.

English Translations of Turkish Converstions


Well the Turkish conversations have been on the blog for sometime now, is there nobody out there that can translate them from Turkish to English. Likewise with the excersises.

If anyone is having any problems with the lessons post a message so we can sort it out.

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Whats Your Name?

Now some for you to try out, I will give you the English version can you do the Turkish version?

Ad________ ne? What's your name

Bluz______ bu This is your blouse

Süt_______ soğuk Your milk is cold

Bu pasaport____ This is my passport

Opposites - açık kapalı

Can you give the opposites to these adjectives?


açık (open) closed (kapalı)

fena (bad) _____

büyük (big) _____

ucuz (cheap) _____

zor (difficult) _____

Friday, 19 January 2007

Doner Kebap

Kebap Var

Garson İyi akşamler

Jim Merhaba

Garson Buyurun

Jim Boş yer var mı?

Garson Evet, buyurun

Jim Döner kebap var mı?

Garson Maalesef. Döner kebap yok.

Jim Tamam, ne var?

Garson Adana var, köfte var, iskender var, piliç var.

Jim Piliç lutfen

Garson Tamam, bir piliç. Buyurun hanımefendi.

Susan Aynı, piliç lutfen

Garson Başka

Jim Evet, Ayran var mı?

Garson Var, bir tane mi?

Susan Hayır, iki tane

Garson Peki, iki piliç, iki ayran. Teşekkür ederim

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Do Numbers Add up

i- y- ü- z- i -b- s- b- ö- ü -g- o
y- l -ö -y- ç- i -k -o -e -e- t- d
e -ğ -ç -d- i -n- a -l -t -m -ı- ş
t -d -t -o- g -i -ş -ö -o -b- k- a
m-ü-o- k- l- o- s -ç- i - ğ -d -ü
i - k- t -s -ş -n-m- i -l -y -ö - n
ş -z -u -a- l -s - e -k- ö-y- g -e
a-y- z - n-s- e- k- ü -b- b- i- a
ö-e - t -k- t -k- ı - ö- t- i - ç- k
i -z - ş- b- i- i -r - ş- s -r -u -ü
y-i - r -m -i- z- k- k -e -l- l -i
s- s- e -k- s -e -n -ş -ç - i -ö -u

In this puzzle you will find 12 numbers but this time no clues

The Odd One Out

Can you find the odd one out

İngiliz, Bulgar, Fransız, Amerikan

Viski, Limonata, Bira, Cin

Sekreter, Memur, Öğrenci, Kuaför

Yirmi, Altmış, Yetmiş, Beş

Friday, 12 January 2007

Having difficulty learning Turkish?

I have heard from a member today that he is having difficulty following the lessons and be unable to remember them.

I advised him to take the lessons at his own pace not to try and keep up with the lessons as they are put on the website. Everyone has there on pace when it comes to learning something so new.

I told him that it would probably be better if he forgot the lessons and slowly learnt the words used in the 1st conversation at the shop. Once he has built up his knowledge of these words he could then apply them to the conversation. I have also asked if he would like the conversation translated into English in order to give him a better start.

Remember this is a group put together to help everyone learn at their own pace, so whether you are studying Chapter 1 or Chapter 11, if your having any difficulty, POST A MESSAGE so that another member can help.

Is there anyone else who is having difficulty, do you have any suggestions, questions, would you like the pace to slow a little.

Only with feedback can we understand what you require.

So come on let us have some feedback and make this a group that all enjoy

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Conversation at Passport Control

Officer Günaydın
Sally Günaydın memur bey
Officer Milliyetiniz ne? İsveçli mi? Alman mı?
Sally Hayır
Officer Ah! İngiliz misiniz?
Sally Evet
Officer Türkçeniz çok iyi,
Sally Çok Teşekkürler
Officer Pasaportunuz lütfen
Sally Buyurun
Officer Sağ olun. Adınız ne.
Sally Sally Jones
Officer Hoş geldiniz
Sally Hoş bulduk. İyi günler memur bey
Officer İyi günler efendim

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Turkish Lessons - today

3 Excersises for you

One to Ten
Below ae the numbers one to ten, 3 are missing but which ones?
on dört üç bir altı dokuz yedi

Below are some questions that can be answered with a sentence containing değil or simply with evet
Winston Chruchill Türk mü?
Kibris Küçük mü?
Antarktika soğuk mu?
Deniz sıcak mı?
İstanbul küçük mü?

Below are some phrases you have learnt. When and how would you use them.
Phrase Greeting Farewell Morning Afternoon Late Afternoon Evening

İyi akşamlar

İyi günler


Hoşça Kalın



İyi geceler


Hoş geldiniz

shopnorthcyprus - Turkish Lessons - Join in with the excersises

I have just posted the excersises from Chapter 1 onto our blog.

Now its your turn to join in.

Shell has translated the 2nd part of the Konuşma for us, anyone upto translating the 1st part?

Why not post some of your answers to the excersises. Lets see how many of you came up with the same.

shopnorthcyprus - Turkish Lessons - Alıştırmalar 3

Alıştırmalar 3

Start this excersise by translating the sentences below into English. Then in Turkish put them into correct order to make a meaningful conversation - where is the conversation taking place?


İyi akşamlar efendim

Bir, iki geceler için mi?

Oda var mı?

Beş numara


Üç geceler ..... Evet .... Boş oda var .... Pasaport lütfen

İyi akşamlar

Teşekkürler. Buyurun, anahtar


shopnorthcyprus - Turkish Lessons - Alıştırmalar 2

Alıştırmalar 2

Below you will see a snack bar menu with all kinds on offer and you will be introduced to 3 new words.

Take a look around and answer the questions with either doğru or yanlış - true or false

Items on offer

a My statement that you would learn 3 new words was?

b I bet you understood every word you saw?

c Sıcak meşrubat var

d Soğuk meşrubat yok

e Yemek var

f Sandviç Yok

I am almost sure that you answered doğru to b. Now in English list what was on the blackboard.

shopnorthcyprus - Turkish Lessons - Alıştırmalar 1

Alıştırmalar 1 - Exercises 1

Form a meaningful dialogue by reodering the sentences below

a Şişe beyaz şarap var mı?
b Buyurun, bir şişe beyaz şarap ve bir şişe bira
c Var
d Bir şişe şarap ve bir şişe bira lütfen
e Teşekkürler
f İyi akşamlar efendim
g Merhaba

shopnorthcyprus -Turkish Lessons -


Can you guess the translation of the title of this excersise

I'm sure many of you know its translation all ready.

can you can fill in the two gaps

köfte meatball
patates potato
sosis sausage
salata salad
meze starter (plural) mezeler
****mezeler cold starters?
****mezeler hot starters?


shopnorthcyprus - Turkish Lessons -Guess the title of the excersise

Meşrubat can you guess the meaning of this word?

viski whisky
bira beer
süt milk
***** water?
***** tea?
şarap wine
*****şarap white wine?
kirmizi şarap red wine

and the title we are looking for meşrubat was drink